The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

Weddings at St. John Cantius Church are a beautiful and joyous celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. It is important to understand that family and friends participating in the solemnity of this great sacrament affirm their love and support for the new couple by a profound respect and dignity during the Nuptial Mass.

Our Wedding Guidelines help couples and their families understand what to expect when making a decision about holding their ceremony in our church. St. John Cantius asks that couples carefully read and consider all of our requirements.
Practical resources and guides for the Sacrament of Marriage and for help in difficult times.
Information on getting your civil marriage blessed in the church. There is also information for those who have been married before and are seeking to learn more about the annulment process.
Incorporating your Catholic faith into your wedding day and throughout your engagement can bear so much fruit for your marriage and those witnessing the sacrament. Read about the various wedding and marriage customs that are common today.