What can we do together to grow in virtue? The youth activities at St. John Cantius Church bring young parishioners face to face with God and each other to enrich each participant spiritually, socially, intellectually and physically.

The CRUSADERS FOR LIFE meet on the Third Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m (usually at St. John Cantius Church). Any teens interested in getting more involved in the Pro-Life movement are welcome join in. Read more about the Crusaders here.

SATURDAY SPORTS casually happen after choir practices on Saturdays. Usually youth play from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. You don’t have to be in choir to join in!

SAINT DON BOSCO CAMPS are an essential part of the summer for boys and girls from ages 8 – 12. These camps are aimed at getting youth outside, active, social, and virtuous.

The LIFE TOUR is a three-bus, three-day road trip to join thousands of good people from across the country in order to stand, shout and sing for LIFE in solidarity with the unborn who have no voice of their own.

THE ANNUAL WALKING PILGRIMAGE is a week long hike from St. John Cantius to a pilgrimage destination. A typical pilgrimage involves at least 80 miles of endurance, growth in the spiritual life, great camping experiences and a strengthening of friendships. Each year there are two pilgrimages, one for young ladies and one for young men. The pilgrimages are for those 13 – 17 years old.

The ANNUAL CHOIR CAMP is a week-long workshop where members of the Magnificat Choir (and others interested in music) attend classes to develop their skills in singing, sight-reading, and music theory, as well as rehearsing both group pieces and solos. Usually held at the beginning of August, Choir Camp is a great way to improve singing skills, deepen friendships, and enjoy the end of summer!
For more information about any of these youth activities, or to be added to the youth email list contact our Youth Director, Fr. Nathan Ford, SJC