The Mission of the St. John Cantius chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization is to respond to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel by taking the Catholic Faith to the streets of Chicago.
Do you want to share your love of Jesus Christ and His Church with others? Are you ready to step outside your comfort zone? Do You have a heart for the lost and downtrodden in Chicago? Do you want a practical way to share your faith? Do you want others to experience the beauty of St. John Cantius Church?
The St. John Cantius chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization is seeking interested parishioners who would like to share their faith on the streets of Chicago, witnessing to the beauty and richness of Catholic truth in a loving, non-confrontational manner. We will offer free rosaries, prayer cards, medals, CDs, and invite people to consider the Catholic Church. We will pray for people, and plant seeds so that the Holy Spirit can convert hearts.
For more information on how you can be involved contact St. Paul Street Evangelization using the link on the parish organizations contact page.