The Padre Pio Prayer Group meets on the third Saturday of each month at St. John Cantius Church in Chicago
825 N. Carpenter St.
Chicago, IL 60643
Meetings begin with a Latin (Tridentine) Mass at 8:30 A.M., followed by recitation of the Chaplet of St. Padre Pio, prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father and for the success of the “Home for the Relief of Suffering” in Foggia, Italy.
After prayers members meet in the Cafe San Giovanni for a brief reception and meeting with light refreshments .
For more info on Padre Pio visit the links listed below:
“Mindful of the joy of the recent Beatification of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, the Holy Father prays that the holy Friar’s example of heroic virtue will strengthen all of you in your commitment to Christ and to the task of the new evangelization on the threshold of the Third Christian Millennium.”
— Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Secretary of State, The Vatican (The above quote was used with permission from the American
Convention for the Blessed Padre Pio Prayer Groups—August 21, 1999)
“La Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” - The Home for the Relief of Suffering. First established by St. Padre Pio in Foggia, Italy in the early 1940s and dedicated by him in 1956, this 2,000 bed hospital is ranked today as one of the finest in Europe.
Padre Pio on: The Spirit of God
The spirit of God is a spirit of peace. Even in the most serious faults He makes us feel a sorrow that is tranquil, humble, and confident and this is precisely because of His mercy.
The spirit of the devil, instead, excites, exasperates, and make us feel, in that very sorrow [for our sins], anger against ourselves, whereas we should, on the contrary, be charitable with ourselves first and foremost.
Therefore, if any thought agitates you, this agitation never comes from God, who gives you peace, being the Spirit of Peace, but from the devil.
For more information contact the Padre Pio Prayer Group here, or call the parish office at 312-243-7373.