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Our Lady of Fatima Shrine Restoration

As you can see, restoration work on the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima is in progress. The shrine is composed of various elements - a walnut-wood altar and a baroque-style assembly with central and side niches. A recumbent image of St. Philomena was added later.

The restoration of the shrine brings these various aspects into harmony not only as a single unit but also with colors and ornamental finishes that we see on the high altar and the Mary and Joseph side altars. When completed, the image of Our Lady of Fatima, temporarily placed at the feet of the large crucifix, will be returned to the central niche of the shrine. When funds permit, we will add the images of the two canonized shepherd children of Fatima, Sts. Jacinta and Francisco Marto, to the side niches.

Restoration will be completed in July. Announcements will be made about the blessing of the restored shrine when its completion date is certain. Daprato-Rigali Studios, who did much of the restoration work on our church interior, is restoring the shrine. A donor has pledged an initial gift but additional funding is needed to complete the project. Will you help us honor Our Lady of Fatima at this crucial period in world history? The messages of Our Lady of Fatima are as important for us now as they were in the dark days of World War I and after. If you would like to assist with the restoration of the shrine, please make your gift to the “AMDG Foundation” and place it in the collection basket or send it to St. John Cantius Church. Please mark your check “Our Lady of Fatima Shrine.” About $25,000 is still needed. While our gifts are important for completing this project, we remember also that the most important gift that we can make is to heed Our Lady’s messages at Fatima - to pray the Holy Rosary every day and to pray for the conversion of sinners.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! Thank you for your faith and thank you for your generosity.


Attending Mass at SJC
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