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Our Lady's Altar Rededication Oct. 7

The restoration of Our Lady’s Altar is complete! On Friday, October 7th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, we welcomed parishioners and guests to join in prayer as Very Rev. Joshua Caswell re-dedicated Mary's Altar after nine months of work to restore the Altar to its original splendor.


After 9 months, the restoration of Our Lady’s Altar is almost complete! Please join us this Friday, October 7th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary for unveiling and dedication of the restored altar.

We will have a special High Mass at 7:30 pm at Mary’s Altar. The mysteries of the Holy Rosary will be prayed before Mass beginning at 6:00 pm.

We especially welcome anyone who has made a contribution to the restoration of Our Lady's altar to come and join us.


September 15th marks the 25th Anniversary of the Re-Coronation and Unveiling of the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, a historic event for St. John Cantius parish. Some say it was the catalyst to the founding of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius.

The icon at St. John Cantius was brought from Poland in the early twentieth century by Father Barzyński, and later it was blessed and proclaimed by Saint John Paul II ‘Matka Boska z Chicago,’ that is, ‘Our Lady of Chicago.’

25 years ago, a solemn re-coronation ceremony was held to officially consecrate the parish to Our Lady for the third millennium. Then, ‘Our Lady of Chicago’ was unveiled to the throngs of Częstochowa fanfare.

Relive the ceremony here:

The Rev. C. Frank Phillips, C.R., Pastor, presided at the ceremony along with Rev. Edwin Karlowicz, C.R as deacon, and Rev. Dudley Day, O.S.A as subdeacon.

The Very Rev. Regis Barwig, prior of the Community of Our Lady in Oshkosh, Wisconsin recited the prayer of consecration and preached a sermon. Archbishop Marian Oleś, Apostolic Nuncio for Central Asia, also preached to all gathered on the significance of the evening.

The re-coronation was also attended by Bishop Alfred Abramowicz, Bishop Emeritus of Chicago, and Rev. Władysław Wyszowadzki of Christ the King Parish in London.

Future founding members of the Canons Regular assisted at the ceremony. The now ordained Rev. Dennis Kolinski, Rev. James Isaacson, and Rev. Albert Tremari were in attendance. The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius were founded less than a year later on August 15th, 1998.

The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius invite all to the re-dedication of Our Lady's Altar after a needed restoration and another unveiling of the icon.

Please join us Friday, October 7th at 7:30pm for the re-dedication of Our Lady’s Altar.

6:00 pm - Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

7:30 pm - Unveiling, Fanfare, and Consecration to Our Lady of Czestochowa

7:45 pm - High Mass at Our Lady's Altar


Attending Mass at SJC
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