St. John Cantius Parish’s high school-aged choir, the Magnificat Choir, will be spending ten days June 18th - 28th traveling throughout Poland in order to experience the beautiful culture and history, to learn first-hand about the global influence that is currently impacting Poland and to even perform several concerts in various cities.
The intention of this pilgrimage is to unite these students with their own Polish history and to expose them to the rich culture that Poland has to offer. Additionally, this trip is perfectly timed as our parish has just celebrated our 125 year anniversary here in Chicago as well as the 550th anniversary of our patron, St. John Cantius, whom we intend to visit in Kraków and to even travel to his birthplace in Kęty. We’ve already been to see Consul General Paweł Zyzak and he is very enthusiastic about this pilgrimage!
An ambitious undertaking? Absolutely! But the choir has already raised $90,000 of the funds needed to make this possible and are looking to you to help us complete our fundraising. All checks (made out to St. John Cantius) or cash can be mailed to:
St. John Cantius Church
Attn: Fr. Nathan Ford, SJC
825 N. Carpetner St.
Chicago, IL 60642
Please, do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions. I am grateful for your consideration and hope that you can help make this trip become a reality!