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Divine Mercy Sunday

The Sunday after Easter has several names: Dominica in Albis, Low Sunday, and "Quasimodo" Sunday. But more recently, it’s been affectionately referred to as Divine Mercy Sunday.

Whatever we may call this eighth day of Easter, the day has always been a celebration of the Mercy of the Risen Lord. We hear in the Gospel at Mass that Christ invited his disciples to actually touch his wounded side and experience first-hand that His wounds have defeated sin and death.

St. Augustine called this 8th day of the Easter Octave “the compendium of the days of mercy.”

This Sunday, April 24, 2022, at 2 pm, we invite you to join us in person as we conclude our Novena to the Divine Mercy followed by Vespers, or via live stream available on our website. We will sing the Divine Mercy Chaplet, pray Solemn Vespers, and process to the baptismal font where we will renew our baptismal promises at our own image of Divine Mercy which was completed for our church by local artist Sarah Crow.

Our Lord specifically asked St. Faustina for the image of Divine Mercy to be produced, and told her, “I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this image with the signature; 'Jesus, I trust in You.’”

Jesus assured St. Faustina, that “not in the beauty of the color, nor of the brush lies the greatness of this image, but in My grace.”

We are blessed to have a beautiful interpretation of this sacred image under which our faithful can venerate our Lord and pray for His Divine Mercy and grace.

May you continue to experience true joy during this season of Easter.


Attending Mass at SJC
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