Join us for a 10 week do-it-yourself retreat that will teach you how to become a consoler of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a Heart which has infinitely loved mankind, and yet has been so rejected and neglected by humanity.
The retreat is based on the book, “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” by. Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC. It provides insights on how to commit yourself daily to consoling the Sacred Heart by learning the keys to the great sanctity of the saints. We will learn from St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Faustina Kowalska and St. Teresa of Calcutta.
The reading begins on January 31st and ends on April 11th, Divine Mercy Sunday. This is a beautiful way to grow closer to Our Lord during Lent.
Due to the current restrictions on gatherings, all meetings will be held via Zoom. There is no cost to participate in the retreat, but registration is required, please see the link below.
Participants are responsible for purchasing their own materials. You can purchase the book with the Retreat Companion Study Guide or the book by itself. Upon registration, you will be given a link to create a free account on FORMED which will give you access to weekly videos by Fr. Gaitley. The videos reinforce the weekly reading and provide additional insights into learning how to console the Heart of Jesus.
It is recommended that participants in this retreat have already made their consecration to Jesus through Mary. Mary will help lead us closer to the Heart of her Son.
Zoom meetings will be held on Saturday mornings at 10am CST. Live participation in the meetings is not required. Each session will be recorded and shared with the group.
Meeting dates are as follows:
January 30th
February 20th
March 6th
March 27th
April 11th, Divine Mercy Sunday. Consoler ceremony after the 12:30pm Mass.
April 17th
Please email faithformation@cantius.org with any questions.
Registration is closed for this session.