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Latin Classes at St. John Cantius Church


Have you always wanted a deeper appreciation of our Church’s languages and heritage? St. John Cantius’ language classes offer a chance to begin or to continue your study of the language and history of the Church.


We offer a range of Latin classes through which you can develop from complete beginner to fluent reader of original texts. You can progress from the beginner class through to the advanced reading classes, or you can join at any point along the way if you already have some background in the language. Classes are one hour a week, so we move at a pace that allows you to learn whilst not interfering with work and / or other study commitments.


We focus on ecclesiastical Latin – the Latin of the liturgy, Jerome’s Bible, scholastic philosophers, papal bulls, and canon law – but the course will also set you in good stead if your interest is in classical Latin. Many of the texts we read in the advanced reading classes are from the classical age.


We usually run two semesters a year: A fall class from September through December and a spring class from January through June. Beginner classes start each September. 


We also offer:


  • Occasional classes on various topics, including the popular ‘Latin of the Mass’ class which introduces the Latin of the Mass for those who may not wish to pursue formal studies in Latin. 


  • A series of pre-recorded lessons you can use to teach yourself or to support other classes.


Our courses are designed for adults, but we do not impose a strict minimum age.


If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email


The 2024 in-person fall semester begins on September 15, 2024 and ends on December 15, 2024.


Some classes will be held in person, others virtually. Please carefully review the description below for each class. 





You can register by contacting the instructor by email in advance of class or, for in-person classes, by registering in person on the first day of class on September 15. If you would like to join any class after September 15, please contact the instructor.




You can pay the registration fee through our payment platform This is not registration - you still need to contact the instructor or register in person.





For in-person classes, you can purchase your textbook at the Academy of the Arts (the building to the right of the Church) on the first day of class on September 15. For virtual classes, you will need to purchase your own textbook.



LATIN I: Beginner
Instructor: Christopher Jones 


Classes start September 15, 2024 and end December 15, 2024


This course is a first introduction to the Latin language. Without assuming any prior experience with Latin or any other foreign language, we will cover the most basic elements of Latin grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, using as our textbook Collins’ A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin. While the content will be introductory and steady, students should expect to devote at least a few hours each week to reviewing the lessons and working through the exercises. 

Classes will be held in person. 


Classes will be held on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Classes meet in the Academy of the Arts (the building to the right of the Church). The doors will be opened 10 minutes before class begins.


For more information contact Christopher Jones 


​The cost is $50.00 for the class and $30.00 for the textbook. 


Please pay for the class through our payment platform Note, however, that payment is not registration. 


You can buy the textbook at the Academy of the Arts immediately before the first class.


To register please email Christopher Jones, or register in person at the Academy of the Arts immediately before the first class. 



Instructor: Rupert Ward


Classes start September 15, 2024 and end December 15, 2024


This class is a continuation of the introductory class that began in September 2023 and is for the beginner with some prior Latin study. We will be continuing with Collins’ A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin at Unit 11. 


Classes will be held in person.


Classes will be held on Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Classes meet in the Academy of the Arts (the building to the right of the Church) in the Faculty Lounge. The doors will be opened 10 minutes before class begins.


For more information contact Rupert Ward

The cost is $50.00 for the class and $30.00 for the textbook. 


Please pay for the class through our payment platform Note, however, that payment is not registration. 


You can buy the textbook at the Academy of the Arts building immediately before the first class.


To register please e-mail Rupert Ward, or register in person at the Academy of the Arts immediately before the first class. 



Instructor: Andre Mendoza


Classes start September 15, 2024 and end December 15, 2024


This class is the third year of the class that began in September 2022 and is for the intermediate student with some prior Latin study. We will be continuing with Lingua Latina: Familia Romana beginning in Chapter 24. 


Classes will be held remotely. 


Classes will be held ON ZOOM on Sundays from 7:00 – 8:00pm 


For more information contact Andre Mendoza 

The cost is $50.00 for the class. Students should obtain their own copy of the textbooks: Lingua Latina plus Exercitia Latina. 


Please pay for the class through our payment platform Note, however, that payment is not registration. 


To register please e mail Andre Mendoza



LATIN IV: Latin of the Fathers
Instructor: Christopher Jones


Classes start September 15, 2024 and end December 15, 2024


This is the third year of a three-year class, but new joiners are very welcome and we will be reading new texts so you will not be disadvantaged. 


We will read and discuss Latin texts from the first six centuries of Christianity. In this third year we will be looking primarily at the fifth century, with readings from St. Augustine and others.


There is no textbook; the instructor will provide excerpts. The instructor is preparing a textbook for future students; input from this class will be a valuable part of that process. Intermediate and advanced students are welcome. 


Classes will be held in person.


Classes will be held on Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Classes meet in the Academy of the Arts (the building to the right of the Church) in the Faculty Lounge. The doors will be opened 10 minutes before each class begins.


For more information contact Christopher Jones


The cost is $50.00 for the class. There is no textbook; the instructor will provide readings.


Please pay for the class through our payment platform Note, however, that payment is not registration. 


To register please e-mail Christopher Jones, or register in person at the Academy of the Arts building immediately before the first class. 



Instructor: Nick Chapello


Classes start September 15, 2024


This class runs for 9 weeks, through November 10, 2024. In these nine sessions you will learn how to understand the Latin of the Mass and speak it properly. We will explore the rich history of the Mass, the format and purpose of each part of the Mass, weekly.


Classes will be held in person. 


Classes will be held on Sundays from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. Classes meet in the Library in the basement of the Church.


For more information, contact Nick Chapello  -

The cost is a $50 donation to St John Cantius Parish. The textbook is the Latin Mass Companion which will be provided.  


Please pay for the class through our payment platform Note, however, that payment is not registration. 


To register please e-mail Nick Chapello, or register in person immediately before the first class. 




Instructor: Richard Rodriguez


This is a recorded course that covers a full year of Latin and textbook exercises in separate 30-45 minute downloadable videos, allowing you to learn at your own pace or to re-review materials covered in other classes. 


The textbook is Collins’ A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin. The course covers Units 1-19. 


The cost is $50.00.


You can pay this fee through our payment platform


To register, please email Mr. Rodriguez at


Registration for the course grants you the passwords to access the video links page for two years, as well as the opportunity to email the instructor with for clarification about the videos. You may register at any time, but please do note that we will change the video passwords at the start of each semester (Spring, Summer, Fall).


Students should purchase their own copy of the textbook. 



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