Liturgy and Devotional Schedule

On certain Sundays, feast days and holidays the schedule may be altered. Please visit our calendar to see our full parish schedule.
6:30 a.m. — Matins (Office of Readings)
& Lauds (Morning Prayer)
7:30 a.m. — Low Mass: 1962 Missal (Latin)
*1st Sundays: 2002 Missal
9:00 a.m. — Sung Mass (English)
11:00 a.m. — Sung Mass (Latin)
12:30 p.m. — High Mass: 1962 Missal (Latin)
*1st Sundays: 2002 Missal
2:00 p.m. — Rosary, Solemn Vespers
(Evening Prayer), Exposition
and Benediction
5:00 p.m. — Sung Mass (English)
5:45 p.m. — Compline (Night Prayer)
Confessions are available on Sunday before and during all Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
6:30 a.m. — Matins (Office of Readings)
& Lauds (Morning Prayer)
7:00 a.m. — Sung Mass (English)
8:00 a.m. — Low Mass: 1962 Missal (Latin)
11:45 a.m. — Midday Prayer
4:30 p.m. — Rosary and Vespers
(Evening Prayer)
7:00 p.m. — Compline (Night Prayer)

6:30 am — Matins (Office of Readings)
& Lauds (Morning Prayer)
7:00 am — Sung Mass (English)
8:00 am — Low Mass: 1962 Missal (Latin)
11:45 am — Midday Prayer
4:30 pm — Rosary and Vespers
(Evening Prayer)
7:00 pm — St. Monica Novena & Rosary
7:00 pm — Confessions
(until about 8:00 p.m.)
7:30 pm — Low Mass: 1962 Missal (Latin)
8:15 pm — Compline (Night Prayer)

7:55 am — Matins (Office of Readings)
& Lauds (Morning Prayer)
8:30 am — Confessions (until about 9:15 a.m.)
8:30 am — Low Mass: 1962 Missal (Latin)
4:30 pm — Confessions
(until about 5:30 p.m.)
5:00 pm — Sung Mass (English)
Anticipated Mass
4:00 pm — Vespers (Evening Prayer)
and Rosary
5:40 pm — Compline (Night Prayer)
For more information about the Sacrament of Confession (Penance) click here.

Masses for Holy Days of Obligation
Please check our bulletin, Calendar page or call the parish office (312-243-7373) for the schedule.
In addition to Sunday, the days to be observed as holy days of obligation in the Latin Rite dioceses of the United States of America, in conformity with Canon 1246, are as follows:
January 1 - the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God;
Thursday following the 5th Sunday after Easter - the Solemnity of the Ascension;
August 15 - the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
November 1 - the Solemnity of All Saints;
December 8 - the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception;
December 25 - the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
January 1st - the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
August 15th - the Solemnity of the Assumption
November 1st - the Solemnity of All Saints
falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated.